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Special Interest Groups
All the following Special Interest Groups are autonomous groups and are listed here by permission because their goals are related to the World Language Process

Universal Language Journal
Simplified Syntax
Speech Synthesis
Speech Animation
World Vocabulary Script Proposals
Language Pedagogy
UAL Discussion
The World Language Process International Coordinator, Bruce Beach,
can be reached personally at: [email protected]













Clicking on this link: Universal Language Journal will take you to the Journal which has been published for the last several years in Korea. Unfortunately all links to editors in the Journal, both in Korea, the US, Canada and elsewhere are broken so that we have not been able to make contact with them.













Clicking on this link Simplified Syntax will take you to a wiki on simplified syntax. We have contacted the owner of the wiki about inclusion here - but have not heard from them yet. .












We have not yet set up a SIG on speech synthesis.Speech Synthesis
Clicking on the link will take you back to our home page or you can use your back button. .












We have not yet set up a SIG on speech animation. Speech Animation Clicking on the link will take you back to our home page or you can use your back button. .












Clicking on this link World Vocabulary will take you to a wiki on vocabulary. We have contacted the owner of the wiki about inclusion here - but have not heard from them yet. .












We have not yet set up a SIG on pedagogy. Language Pedagogy
Clicking on the link will take you back to our home page or you can use your back button. .






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Site Directory :  Special Interest Groups :  Contact