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Deseret alphabet
Origin The name Deseret is taken from a word in the Book of Mormon and means "honeybee". It reflects the LDS use of the beehive as a symbol of co-operative industry. Brigham Young's secretary, George D. Watt, was among the designers of the Deseret Alphabet and is thought to have used the Pitman English Phonotypic Alphabet of 1847 as the model. The LDS Church commissioned two typefaces and published four books using the Deseret Alphabet. The Church-owned Deseret News also published passages of scripture using the alphabet on occasion. In addition, some historical records, diaries, and other materials were hand-written using this script, and it had limited use on coins and signs. There is also one tombstone in Cedar City, Utah, written in the Deseret Alphabet. However, the alphabet failed to gain wide acceptance and was not actively promoted after 1869. Today, the Deseret Alphabet remains of interest primarily to historians and hobbyists. Sample text Links Further details of the Deseret Alphabet Other alternative writing systems: |
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